Downloaded and ran the application. I was confused that it did not show traffic cam feeds as advertised. Also, I realized that you cannot mark a "live police" from the iPhone. What I thought was that these features were provided by the paid subscription only, so I ponied up $29.99 for a 1-year subscription. I entered the pin provided, and PRESTO, not a darned thing changed.
I called customer service and was told that there was not traffic cam support in Florida "yet" and they gave no indication if or when it would be provided. I then asked the more important question as to how to mark a live police enforcement point from a smartphone, and the service agent said that it could only be done from the webpage.
So hear this again.....IT CAN ONLY BE DONE FROM THE WEBPAGE!!
So I guess what is expected is that you drive down the street, see an officer running radar/laser at a point on your arrive at your location 30 minutes or hours to your broser....try to remember where you saw the cop.....mannually enter in the details....then wait for someone else to run to their webpage and verify the location. DONT WORRY, THE COP WILL STILL BE THERE....if he fell asleep that is.
What a waste of money!
Get TRAPTSTER instead; its free, and you are able to do everything this application IMPLIES it can do, and Trapster allows you to MARK ENFORCEMENT SITES on the fly.
This is the most negative review Ive ever written, and I am holding back in the interest of decency.